Carlo Cuneo, LCSW, CST
Carlo Cuneo, LCSW, CST
Carlo has over 25 years in private practice of mental health after working as an accounting professional. His professional experience has included the fields of sexual and gender health, family mediation and post-separation / divorce adjustment, Crisis and Suicide Intervention, hospice services, and trauma recovery.
Carlo is an American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) Certified Sex Therapist (CST). His areas of assistance have included: Out-of-Control Sexual Behaviors, low sexual desire, erectile difficulties, orgasmic dysfunction, sexual pain and assisting couples to maintain a healthy sexuality. He works with persons of all sexual orientations as well as persons who identify as kinky, poly or asexual.
Carlo is a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) as well as the National Association of Social Workers. He has provided competency training in the area of Gender to the LSU School of Medicine Psychiatric Residency Program, Louisiana Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, LSU School of Social Work, LSU College of Education Counselor Education Program, and LSU Mental Health Center.
He has received training as a Domestic Mediator, Collaborative Divorce Professional, and Parenting Coordinator.
Along with his focus on sexual and gender health, Carlo has had a broad practice, providing over 25,000 hours of psychotherapy services to adults, couples, families, children and teens.
He earned a B.S. in Accounting from LSU, an M.A. in Psychology from Southeastern Lousiana University and an M.S.W. from LSU. He is a CPA (Inactive).
In his private life, he is a happy spouse and father of 2 children. Music in general and drumming specifically are his life hobbies. He also enjoys camping, movies, books, woodworking and taking apart/making things.